Posted on 2015-01-25 18:37:38 c
对一个应用程序员来讲,了解汇编不是必需的,更少有手写纯汇编的需求。但是如果能了解些基本的汇编知识,对程序调试和一些语言特性的理解是大有裨益的。本文介绍 AT&T 语法的汇编的要点以及 GCC 使用的内联汇编(inline assembly)的使用。
AT&T 汇编是 GCC 所采用的语法,要点:
X86_64 下 ABI 调用约定:
内联汇编允许在 C/C++ 代码中嵌入汇编代码,以优化关键代码或者使用架构特有的指令。内联汇编的基本格式如下:
asm [volatile] ( <assembler template>
: ["constraints"(var)] [,"constraints"(var)] /* output operands */
: ["constraints"(var)] [,"constraints"(var)] /* input operands */
: ["register"] [,"register"] [,"memory"] /* clobbered registers */
中括号中为可选部分,尖括号为必选部分。圆括号内由 ‘:’ 分割为四个部分:
常用的 constraints 为:
输出 constraints 中需要下面至少一个『修饰符』(constraints modifier)作为前缀:
asm ("":::); //~ nothing
asm ("incl %%eax\n\t":::"eax"); //~ access register directly
asm ("movq $1, %0\n\t" : "=m"(var)); //~ write 1 to var
asm ("mov %0, %%eax\n\t" : : "m"(var)); //~ read from var to eax
//~ read a to eax, read b to either ebx|ecx|edx|edi|esi, add it to eax, write back eax to a
asm ("addl %1, %0\n\t" : "+a"(a) : "r"(b));
asm ("incq global_var\n\t" :::"memory"); //~ access global_var directly
asm ("incl %0\n\t" : "+q"(var)); //~ read var to either eax|ebx|ecx|edx, increase it, write it back to var
asm ("incl %0\n\t" : "=q"(var) : "0"(var)) //~ the same as above, constraint 0 means using the same register
asm ("incl %[__var__]\n\t" : [__var__]"+q"(var)); //~ use user-defined placeholder
在汇编中调用 printf:
#include <stdio.h>
char *fmt = "Hello, %s\n";
char *s = "World";
int ret = 0;
asm (" callq printf\n\t"
: "=a"(ret)
: "D"(fmt), "S"(s));
printf("ret: %d\n", ret);
return 0;
sys_write(int fd, const char *buf, size_t n)
int ret;
asm (
: "=a"(ret)
: "0"(1), "D"(fd), "S"(buf), "d"(n)
return ret;
char *s = "Hello, World\n";
printf("%d\n", sys_write(fileno(stdout), s, strlen(s)));
return 0;
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